The online magazine for youths
and families facing disabilities




Ben's Pages




Break Through




Here is a wonderful group
of talented people who want to share their music
-read about them and
help support their DREAM!

Dylan Kuehl shared
"Living the Dream-
Heal the World" Tour
status on Facebook

He wrote:
"Maybe you can help a little.
Lots of littles make a big.. to
make a direct cash donation.
go to
Go Fund Me




We are proud to share with you our online issue of BT Digest. It will serve as another tool to raise awareness of the issues surrounding people with disabilities. We hope you will not only join us in reading the Digest but will contribute writings that can be shared with others.

BT Digest is a publication of Break Through Inc., a non-profit corporation dedicated to raising awareness of the disabled among the able-bodied and interpreting the issues of concern to the disabled. Break Through works with church, educational, business and social groups providing speakers, workshops and resource material.

 BT Digest is a magazine that is open to different topics on a quarterly basis.  We want to be sensitive to our readers and we invite you to comment and suggest on any context or topics that you may be interested in.. We would do our best to try to meet your needs.

You can find our website at

Please submit your articles to Bt Digest and they will be posted on our "Voices" page.

 (Please put "Bt Digest" as the e-mail subject line. Thank you)

       Please visit "Ben's pages" and our Reader's articles on the "Voices" page. And visit our U.S. Paralympic Team page

We wish to thank the members of our 10/10 Team for providing the funds for this Bt Digest online magazine

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If you want to join our 10/10 Team with a pledge of $10 per month please send your tax deductible gift to Break Through Inc. at our address below.

Your help will make our work on this new magazine a dream come true for persons with disabilities and their families.

Your generous consideration to help with this effort is much appreciated.


Ben & Dee Anderson

Thank you for visiting our website, come again and please feel free to email us with your personal stories and insights.

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